Sunday 22 November 2009

Banned Resistance player turns his sights on Microsoft and Nintendo, sues them after Sony

Erik Estavillo is one avid gamer. So avid in fact, that he will not hesitate to take you to court if you get in the way of his pursuit of happiness with his games. The folks he's taking to court: Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo.

Yep, Erik is obviously not happy. Why should he be? First, PlayStation Network bans him for his hateful comments on the Resistance community online. He brought it up with the court, suing Sony for allegedly infringing on his "first amendment rights." In our July coverage of that story, Eric was seeking for US$ 55,000 in punitive damages.

Would you believe it, the judge actually shot down his case! For what justification? Judge Ronald Whyte claims that "Sony is not part of the government." Oh, really? Are they not? Nonetheless, by October, he was back in court to appeal the decision of the judge, and in the meantime contented himself with playing Metroid Trilogy on the Wii and MK vs. DS on the Xbox 360. They, too, would offer him pain and suffering, as it would turn out.

Microsoft causes him "undue stress" and "sadness" because his Xbox 360 unit RROD'd on him. And Nintendo, don't think the family-friendly console company goes away scot-free. They have unduly interfered with Erik's "pursuit of happiness" by "deleting, blocking, or prohibiting the Homebrew Channel and Ocarina applications" with their system update! The audacity for these companies to hinder one gamer's source of joy and entertainment.

Serves them right, Erik's slapped them with their own respective lawsuits as well. Microsoft, get ready to shell out US$ 75,000 for relief to Eric.

Somehow though, I smell another dismissal coming on. Maybe Eric should go hire a lawyer now (yes, he's been representing himself all this time)? What say you to our fallen brother?

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