Wednesday 26 August 2009

Map Pack 4 for World at War?

Rumour has it that Call of Duty: World at War may be getting a fourth Map Pack! The tip-off comes from Alan Ng’s article on the Product Reviews website, written earlier this month. We can only offer our sincerest apologies for not finding this sooner.

During Map Pack 3’s Der Reise zombie level, a radio transmission can be heard delivering an ambiguous message from a Dr Maxis regarding ‘The Giant Project’, the future mass production of the Wunderwaffe super weapon, and ‘matter transference’ experiments – which can only continue with a regular supply of mysterious element ‘115’. It is here Maxis talks of his American operatives having significant resource at their Nevada base. Generally, what springs to mind at the mention of Nevada? Area-51. Could this allude to the location of a future Zombies map?

And there’s more. Hidden in one of Der Riese’s factory rooms is a calendar on which four very specific dates have been marked by a red ring and a question mark: the 3rd, the 10th, the 17th and the 24th. Now, find a calendar and look at next month. Notice anything? Both calendars are identical, with the 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th all being Thursdays. Coincidentally, in the world of PlayStation, what tends to happen on Thursdays? New content arrives on the PlayStation Store.

Still not convinced? Then take a look at this Easter Egg footage, submitted on YouTube by a group of overexcited American players (please be aware: this footage does feature some strong language). Taking all into consideration, there’s enough evidence here to imply that World at War’s Zombies mode might not end with Der Riese. Call us fools, but we’re convinced!

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