Wednesday 26 August 2009

Home to have huge update!

We learned today that PlayStation Home is getting more than 100 new pieces of content this Thursday, making it the biggest virtual item content release since launch. Some of the biggest additions include the new Killzone 2 Visari Throne Room, a Post-Apocalyptic Apartment, and animated T-shirts that show-off your hometown.

The KZ2 Visari Throne Room is based on the final stage in the popular PlayStation 3 shooter. Releasing with the space are a variety of virtual items including the Helghan Defense Painting.

The new Post-Apocalyptic Apartment will launch with a bundle of furniture. There are roughly 70 items that will be released with this personal space alone.

Finally, one of the more intriguing updates is the addition of new animated T-shirts that broadcast your hometown pride. Look for these updates and more this Thursday for the PlayStation Home.

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